These past few years have been great but we are sad to say BarkYours is no longer in business. We've appreciated being part of the community of dog-people and hopefully helped a little with the charities we donated to that do amazing work across the country. Thank you to those charities that help dogs and thank you to everyone that sold their amazing products on this website and thank you to those that purchased or just enjoyed looking at all the new and wonderful dog-themed things.
Please visit our Facebook and Instagram page for updates.
A Dog Lover's Marketplace
Coming from a family of dog lovers, we know that one thing holds true... any gift that reminds us of our dogs - and how much meaning and joy they bring to our lives - has extra special meaning.
And, that's the inspiration behind BarkYours. Creating a marketplace where we could make it easy and fun to shop for unique gifts for our fellow dog lovers has been a passion of ours for some time. Bringing together collections of original dog-inspired products & gifts that celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit. All created and sold by independent artists and all on one platform.
What do you get for that person who has everything? Or that person who treasures anything that reminds them of their dog? Or gets a kick out of the funny things our dogs do? Or even that new dog owner who may be slightly overwhelmed and in love all at the same time? The answer: You come to BarkYours, a place where people create and sell special products inspired by our best friends.
What you'll find here speaks to a community that shares one common characteristic - a sincere love and appreciation for our dogs.
Enjoy, and thank you for shopping on BarkYours!
Check Out What People Are Saying
★★★★★ "A site was never more fun to look at than BarkYours. So many artists making so many dog-themed things. I am a happy dog mom wearing a fun dog-themed t-shirt right now!" -Beth S.
★★★★★ "BarkYours has so many dog-themed gifts that I would have never found or thought of elsewhere, making this dogmom really happy" -Sharon
★★★★★ "Love my dog + love handcrafted gifts + love buying from small artists = shopping on BarkYours" -Chris N.
★★★★★ "It's a great idea - I buy my dogmom friends dog-themed gifts all the time. This is like an Etsy but only for dogs. Shopping on this site is great." -Monica
★★★★★"Bravo from me, Woof from my dog. I've purchased from different sellers and everything was top notch. Highly recommend this site. They all love dogs, and they all work really hard to create a community of dog-lovers." -Mike P from PA.
★★★★★ "My house is covered with home decor items from BarkYours artists. It's only because my dog makes me buy things that look like him." - Clara
★★★★★ "I didn't realize what they do for charity. It makes buying from these sellers all the more appealing. I love this site." -Carl L. from CA
We're Here to Give Back

How does BarkYours Work? See it in Action
Our First Mother's Day Photo Contest
What happens when a BarkYours Artist get invited to a Goldendoodle's Birthday Bash? #DandyRandall #NYC
Congratulations to our July 4th Contest Winners